A "cozy" virtual environment especially for all S34s. You will never be alone here. Let's fill this blog with all our passion! 34 rocks!



Chu1 Yi1
Bye monkey, HI chicken!
Happy CNY!!
Chu Xi


skin by heroine
modified by qian
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Yeah....i thot tt this bloggie has reached a stage which nids more post....cos apparantly only YOU jin seems to be the enthu person....sad case....

Hence i m obliged to carry on with the bloggie....to begin with, when the five of us...me, you jin, qq, layning and da en returned home on Fri nitez we made a pact to go online at 0015 on Sat....however this promise was only honoured by myself, qq and da en....so where are the rest of the ppl???? Hahahaz...i seriously HOPE dat ur are sleeping instead of mugging your tutorials....

Anyway, our class outing to Sentosa was exhilerating, exciting, interesting, nerve-racking, pulse-racing, adrenaline-rushing....to sum it up all it was cool....esp to the few of us who stayed on to the night....the beach part was simply fun....although the bikers wasnt with us. We played "Monkey?!?!?! *#$@(%!", hahahaz....dat bloody p1 game....when can we ever grow up? Anyway, for unknown reasons...i was made monkey most of the time.....maybe i juz cannot make it for this game....Later on we went to the sea, again i was dunked in the most number of times....apparantly i was bullied by all of ur. Yes we have real fun in the sea trying to drag each other down and making sure everyone was completely drenched in the seawater. Yahz...later that the pro-swimmers swam to the other side of the beach....we chatted and sang aloud while swimming. I dont wanna say this, but our singing is awful...esp the schl song and other "familiar favourites" led by our trio of choir rejects (me, da en and you jin). But our dear expert choir member qq sang marvellously with a melodious voice....hahahaz...(next time on class outing we betta learn more songs so dat we can sing along....)

Well...time flies and b4 we knew it we reached nightfall....where we spent at Orchard Road. Yeahz...we chose arcade over movies....and we have lots of fun....Wj was particularly proz at air hockey. Revenge was definitely sweet afterz i crapped my way to first in the car racing game...beating the violent and agressive driver qq narrowly. And the pros, our dear senior Mong Seng, and wei jie and da en showed us real driving skills when they compete against each other in a thrilling triple-threat match. After the arcade, we went to shop around for Angel-Mortal gifts, but apparantly there wasnt any inspiration and most shops are closed anyway due to Chinese New Year...so we went home empty-handed.

Yahz...tt's all about the description of our class outing, which was in reality more interesting than the way i haf described (eh...i failed my descriptive). Actually everything went well except for the relatively poor attendance (15/26)??? Yahz...hope to see full attendance for the class outing nxt time, STJ is up next later on the afternoon. Everything is FREE...so it will be a waste if u dont go there....do attend it.

Anyway i came up with a reason for our relatively inactive blogs....everyone muz be mugging all the time right? Seriously, taking some time off mugging to post wont kill u....and STOP MUGGING....enjoyz urself b4 the 'O's are released okayz? Tt's all i wanna say, and the class photos are with wj so get it from him.

Poh Wei

posted by pohwei @ 02:02