A "cozy" virtual environment especially for all S34s. You will never be alone here. Let's fill this blog with all our passion! 34 rocks!



Hello Hello...lol
05年3月4日- Happy 34 day
3-4 Day!
Moving on....
>>--d- . -b-->
It's me....[0534-1314]


skin by heroine
modified by qian
Sunday, March 06, 2005
The Last week of SCHOOL

HIEzz everyone!

IT's the last week of school. HOLIDAYS ARE COMING. WE have already spent 1 term together! ALrite, today was JTS, and I had quite alot of fun. Never seen so many seniors in my life; S34 certainly has deep roots. The table hockey session was kind of thrilling though we suffered a few injuries here and there, not to mention the plate it self flying off the table.....*grinz*

By the end of it, I gotta tell you I am NOT broke. Since I am not broke, there's no excuse for anyone not to pay POH WEI this week or I shall come after you with ..........

You know what;s the irony? My dad was telling me to get an ATM card, claiming that I have grown up and would need it. THus, I unwillingly draggged my self to the bank and just got my card last week . Today was my first redrawal. It just mean that I can never redraw any amount that's more than my first time for the rest of my life:D I was not too scared about getting mugged since I have a rather strong rugby player beside me as my body guard despite the fact that I was weak.

I know we have already spent alot of money together too, but I hope you understand I have tried my best to keep the cost of total class outings down, really I tried. I really hope everyone have enjoyed your first three months and that your welfare had been reasonably taken care of.

For this last week of school, here's the programme. MONDAY we will BOWL and strike our way through chevron. TUesday we may run as usual after CHEM, though there may not be any motivation for you all to run (NAPFA). Wednesday, we'll play BADMINTON!!! YES, badminton up till 3.30! Thursday, we'll beg the PE teacher to let us play squash!:D Friday, we'll erm decide later. I think we can play more badminton if wednesday wasn't satisfactory. SAturday, we may try ice skating before going for the band concert at night to support XIAO NI. This's tentative. So as you can see, S34 is a VERY SPORTY and ENERGETIC class.

WEll that's about it for the very exciting last week of school (ignoring all tut. that are due) I wish you a fun and exhilarating time. BUCKle up and WHEEEEEE! Please feel free to post any comments or come to me personally for improvements.

That's it from me,

your amiable WJ

posted by -wj- @ 23:58